Wednesday, November 7, 2007

New South Dakota Mortgage Licensing

South Dakota has passed SB165, which requires loan officers to be licensed as Mortgage Brokers if brokering and licensed as loan originators if working for a direct lender The bill is effective December 1, 2007.

Mortgage Lenders

Requires current licensees to have a $25,000 surety bond by August 31, 2007 and for new licensees it is a requirement with the application.

Mortgage Lenders must employ licensed loan originators

Loan Originators

$150 initial, $44 for background check, $75 annual renewal (Dec 31st)

Licenses are not transferable between employers

Registration requires background check

Must have 2 years experience in the industry

9 hours of CE due every year – 1st period is 7/1/07 thru renewal time in 2008

Mortgage Brokers

There are no Mortgage Broker companies, just individuals (if you are a lender that brokers in addition to lending, you will need to license your Loan Originator's as Mortgage Brokers instead of Loan Originators

$500 initial, $350 annual renewal (Dec 31st)

License can be transferred to another employer

$25,000 surety bond is required

Must file a Bank Franchise Tax Return with the SD Dept of Revenue

2 years experience in the industry

9 hours of CE due every year – 1st period is 7/1/07 thru renewal time in 2008